BlackBerry user guide for Japanese Character Input
Features and specifications
Supports Japanese Character Input for SMS, messages, address book, calendar, tasks, MemoPad,
Supports input of Hiragana (平仮名), Katakana (片仮名) (full width and half width), Kanji (漢字) and
Japanese punctuation.
The Japanese character input method is via Romaji (ie romanization of Japanese by use of the Latin
alphabet – called Rōmaji (ローマ字, rōmaji) in Japanese).
The Japanese Kana will be encoded in unicode.
User must have the Asian language package installed with Japanese fonts.
Only supports BlackBerry 8700g and 8707g models.
To install PCCW mobile’s Japanese Character Input application, please follow the instructions:
2. Select “BlackBerry”
3. Select “Japanese Character Input”
4. Select “register”. This requires you to enter your BlackBerry PIN (note: BlackBerry PIN can be checked in
5. After registration, you can download and install software through a link provided in the portal. You may
need to reboot the device.
(Besides downloading the software through the wap portal, you can also download it via the Desktop
Manager on PC. Please refer to the “Alternative way to download Japanese Character Input” in the below
6. You will receive a welcome SMS within 30 minutes. This SMS is an activation code.
7. After installation and restart, you will find a list of Japanese Character Input functions in applications,
such as message inbox:
8. Japanese Character Input license cost will be charged to your mobile bill on registration.
9. Japanese Character Input can be used after activation (reference: Japanese Character Input activation)
Remarks: If you have downloaded a previous version of PCCW mobile Japanese Character Input, please
uninstall it before installing a new version (reference: Removal of Japanese Character Input).
Alternative way to download Japanese Character Input:
Besides installing PCCW mobile’s Japanese Character Input application via WAP site, you may also
download it through Desktop Manager on PC.
Download the ZIP package through PCCW mobile web site
“For Your Business”->”BlackBerry”->”Information Downloads”.
Extract the files in the ZIP
Connect BlackBerry with your PC via USB.
Open the Desktop Manager
Go to “Start”->”Programs”->”BlackBerry”->”Desktop Manager”
(ix) After the installation, the device will be reboot automatically.
Japanese Character Input activation
After you have installed the software, you may need to perform activation the first time you use the service.
Application will prompt an activation request. You are required to enter the activation code given by the
welcome SMS. You can press shift and roll trackwheel to highlight the activation code. Then, click trackwheel
and choose “copy”.
The activation key is a combination of 32 digit-characters comprising 0-9 and a-f. Enter the key accurately (or
paste the code if you copy from the SMS) and push the “enter” button. If the activation key is entered
accurately, you will be able to use Japanese language support function freely. Once you enter the activation
key, you will not be asked for it again.
Note: Since the activation code is long, you can use the copy-and-paste feature by clicking the trackwheel
and selecting “paste”.
Input Japanese
To start using PCCW mobile Japanese Character Input, please follow the instructions:
1. If you would like to input Japanese during composition of SMS,
messages, address book, calendar, tasks or MemoPad, click the
trackwheel to display the menu, then select “Input Japanese”.
2. The Japanese Character Input screen will be displayed with text
in the current active field. You can then edit Japanese in Romaji
following the key command (reference: Key ).
3. After completing Japanese Character Input, click the trackwheel
to return to the previous screen and paste the edited text back
into the active field (reference: Key )
Key command
Key command
Left shift (NUM▲) + roll trackwheel
Change input mode
Reference: Input
Click trackwheel
Finish editing, return and paste the edited text
Return and ignore changes
Kanji (漢字), 全カナ, 半カナ input mode
Popup the Japanese punctuation menu
Input “ー” (i.e. 長音, chouon)
Left shift (NUM▲) + U
Input “ん” or “ン” (ie 鼻音, bion)
Input “っ” or “ッ” (ie 促音, sokuon)
Double consonant (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, m, p,
r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z)
Kanji (漢字) input mode
Alphabet (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, o,
p, u, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z)
Convert to Hiragana immediately when matched
Convert Kana to all possible Kanji candidates at each click.
If Kanji is not available for selection, Romanji (half width) will
be shown, with Romanji (full width), Katakana (half width),
Katakana (full width) and Hiragana in sequence for each
Alt + space
Convert Kana to Katakana (full width), Katakana (half width),
Romanji (full width), Romanji (half width) and all possible
Kanji candidates in sequence for each click.
During Kana-to-Kanji conversion (word highlighted)
Accept the suggested conversion (Kanji, Romanji,
Katakana, …)
Enter (↵)
Back (del)
Alt + ,
Delete the alphabet, Hiragana, Katakana or Kanji
Input “、”
Alt + .
Alt + (
Alt + )
Input “。”
Input “「”
Input “」”
Symbol mode
Change input mode
半角ꢁ全角ꢁ全角 2
Scroll trackwheel up and down
Click trackwheel or enter (↵)
Select punctuation
Paste punctuation
Input mode
Input mode
For Hiragana input, conversion to Kanji (ie Chinese character)
and conversion to Katakana
For full-width katakana input
For half-width katakana input
For full-width English input
For half-width English input
Appendix A
Hiragana (平仮名)
あ a
い i
う u
え e
お o
ゃ ya
ゅ yu
ょ yo
か ka
さ sa
た ta
な na
は ha
ま ma
や ya
ら ra
わ wa
が ga
ざ za
だ da
ば ba
ぱ pa
ん n
き ki
し shi
ち chi
に ni
ひ hi
み mi
く ku
す su
つ tsu
ぬ nu
ふ fu
む mu
ゆ yu
る ru
け ke
せ se
て te
こ ko
そ so
と to
きゃ kya
しゃ sha
ちゃ cha
にゃ nya
ひゃ hya
みゃ mya
きゅ kyu
しゅ shu
ちゅ chu
にゅ nyu
ひゅ hyu
みゅ myu
きょ kyo
しょ sho
ちょ cho
にょ nyo
ひょ hyo
みょ myo
ね ne
へ he
め me
の no
ほ ho
も mo
よ yo
ろ ro
を wo
ご go
ぞ zo
ど do
ぼ bo
ぽ po
り ri
ゐ wi
ぎ gi
じ ji
ぢ ji
び bi
ぴ pi
れ re
ゑ we
げ ge
ぜ ze
で de
べ be
ぺ pe
りゃ rya
りゅ ryu
りょ ryo
ぐ gu
ず zu
づ zu
ぶ bu
ぷ pu
ぎゃ gya
じゃ ja
ぎゅ gyu
じゅ ju
ぎょ gyo
じょ jo
びゃ bya
ぴゃ pya
びゅ byu
ぴゅ pyu
びょ byo
ぴょ pyo
Appendix B
Katakana (片仮名)
ア a
イ i
ウ u
エ e
オ o
ャ ya
ュ yu
ョ yo
カ ka
サ sa
タ ta
ナ na
ハ ha
マ ma
ヤ ya
ラ ra
キ ki
シ shi
チ chi
ニ ni
ヒ hi
ミ mi
ク ku
ス su
ツ tsu
ヌ nu
フ fu
ム mu
ユ yu
ル ru
ケ ke
セ se
テ te
ネ ne
コ ko
ソ so
ト to
ノ no
ホ ho
モ mo
ヨ yo
ロ ro
キャ kya
シャ sha
チャ cha
ニャ nya
ヒャ hya
ミャ mya
キュ kyu
シュ shu
チュ chu
ニュ nyu
ヒュ hyu
ミュ myu
キョ kyo
ショ sho
チョ cho
ニョ nyo
ヒョ hyo
ミョ myo
ヘ he
メ me
イェ ye
レ re
リ ri
リャ rya
リュ ryu
リョ ryo
ワ wa
ガ ga
ザ za
ダ da
バ ba
パ pa
ヴァ va
ウィ wi
ギ gi
ジ ji
ヂ (ji)
ビ bi
ピ pi
ウェ we
ゲ ge
ゼ ze
デ de
ベ be
ヲ wo
ゴ go
ゾ zo
ド do
ボ bo
ポ po
ヴォ vo
グ gu
ズ zu
ヅ (zu)
ブ bu
プ pu
ヴ vu
ギャ gya
ジャ ja
ヂャ (ja)
ビャ bya
ピャ pya
ヴャ vya
ギュ gyu
ジュ ju
ヂュ (ju)
ビュ byu
ピュ pyu
ヴュ vyu
ギョ gyo
ジョ jo
ヂョ (jo)
ビョ byo
ピョ pyo
ヴョ vyo
ペ pe
ヴィ vi
ヴェ ve
シェ she
ジェ je
チェ che
ティ ti
ディ di
ツィ tsi
フィ fi
トゥ tu
ドゥ du
テュ tyu
デュ dyu
ツァ tsa
ファ fa
ン n
ツェ tse
フェ fe
ツォ tso
フォ fo
フュ fyu
Removal of Japanese Character Input
1. To uninstall the old version, please select “options”-> “advanced options” -> “applications”, and choose
“Japanese Character Input”.
2. Click trackwheel to popup the menu.
3. Select “delete” from the menu to delete the “Japanese Character Input”. You may be required to reboot
your BlackBerry handheld.
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